CP Titans Experience

Revision en1, by li_ght, 2023-01-13 21:09:56

Hello everyone!!! Another day & another contest !!!!! Just now I completed giving a contest called CP Titans arranged by our college seniors. Here in which top 50 students will get a chance for personal mentorship from our seniors. So my first 2 codes got accepted without any compilation error and I was so happy.But here comes the 3rd one I got the idea how to code but my code was not running on test case 1 .Still that question is running in my mind but let see and wait for seniors reply.... Overall I loved today's experience and also happy that throughout the contest I was fair with myself.

I love to share my experience here without thinking weather the other person is getting or not:)


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English li_ght 2023-01-13 21:09:56 723 Initial revision (published)