Top Comments


I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this, and I hope that you can look past some of the negative comments here and know that I and the wider competitive programming community are here to support you. It really does take courage to open up in public like this, even if it is an anonymous post.

I have no experience in therapy and--if it is an option that is available to you--you should speak to a professional counselor. I do not know what your family situation is like but if you feel comfortable and have not already, you should definitely tell your family your situation.

I do agree with some other comments on this thread. In particular, it is really great to hear that at least a few of your friends still support you, and while you should not completely cut off people who envy your scores, you can try to avoid this toxic culture. I am sure that others at your school feel similarly to you, and if you can talk to some of them, you might feel a lot better.

It really is incredible that you are still able to be Steven even with so much negativity coming your way. Don't let other people's negativity rub off on you! We are all cheering for you!

Thank you for sharing such valuable advice. Your words are incredibly supportive and offer practical strategies for coping with stress and maintaining mental well-being during challenging times. It's heartening to see such empathy and understanding within the Codeforces community.

Your emphasis on self-compassion and healthy coping mechanisms resonates deeply, and I'm sure it will be immensely helpful not only to the original poster but also to others who may be experiencing similar struggles.

The reminder to focus on the present moment and to nurture personal interests is particularly insightful. It's essential to maintain a balance between academic pursuits and activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

I'm grateful for your contribution to the discussion and for extending kindness and support to those in need. Your words serve as a reminder of the strength of community and the importance of reaching out for help when facing challenges.

Thank you once again for your thoughtful response. It's truly appreciated.

It seems rare to see someone share aspects of life apart from CP in these blogs, so I guess you must have been going through a few recently.

From time to time, you encounter individuals who are not meant to be your friends, and this case is not an exception. If they envy you, simply regard them as the tradeoffs for your achievements.

There's nothing wrong with you, mate. I mean, helping others and achieving good results make you such an exemplary figure for your friends to look up to, so just keep it up, as what goes around comes around.

do you mean LuoGuBoT?

Just because someone else has a bigger problem than you does not mean that your problem is small and shouldn't be paid any attention to.

DelayForces:( I have been waiting for judging for 25 minutes, but it is still "In queue" now.


What is the connection between modulus and r = min(r, r - mod*mod)?

Don't tell them what to do, it is a legitimate and interesting question.

The idea is that taking the remainder modulo mod is an expensive operation, so instead we keep the numbers modulo mod*mod, which is cheap as long as no mod-overflowing multiplications or divisions are involved, and only reduce back to mod when we absolutely have to (e.g. before multiplying with another number). In this framework, r = min(r, r-mod) is just a more avx-friendly way of saying if(r >= mod) r -= mod; when r is unsigned and min_epu64 is available.

On speedermenMemes, 21 hour(s) ago

The mom: I was so distraught when I heard my son committed that school shooting! He showed no signs to want to do such an act!

The kid:

chatgpt can't even solve div2 A

Now this is all history.

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

thanks for the info

For you

Just aim for those people who are more successful than you

Codesprint has historically been a very good contest. I'm excited to participate again!

you mistakenly wrote china instead of PinkieRabbit

you should just use gcc __builtin_clz instead of this imprecise log with floats and other strange stuff, it may be that it gives precision error on the server but not locally

what in the GPT

That is, people with higher rating or contribution have higher weights in voting.

That is true.

But I wonder if this mechanism exists, how many people actually knows it. I mean, if this is already open to public somewhere, Codeforces should make more people know it.

It has been "officially announced" here. But that blog is very old. People also have periodically rediscovered it and explained it, e.g. here.

If you're so "tough" and all, why are you afraid of replying from your real acc)))


As a tester, I can confirm Avnith is very pro

As a problem writer, I can confirm that the testers are very orz

omg my idol is testing

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 43 hours ago


Can someone explain which order codeforces judges? I sent submission 1 hour ago. Still in queue while recent ones have been already judged.

On Aldas25BOI 2024 Mirror Contest, 43 hours ago

Unfortunately, custom memory limits aren't possible yet — every problem has a fixed memory limit of about 1.5GB (this is a relic from back when SPOJ was used as a backend, but has remained the same after the judge migration; hopefully sometime in the future custom memory limits will be a thing).

As for the time limit being more visible, yes, I agree. I'll see if something can be done about it.

The testing queue is so long, i need to wait 10 minutes to get the results.

On Mr.PieIn queue? more like in stack, 43 hours ago

You have +165! Wow!


Let me tell you contributions of my so-called friends :

  • Helping me build self-doubt

  • Helping me build low self-esteem

  • Helping me build habit of smoking

  • Helping me build social media addiction

  • Helping me to get into trouble

  • Helping me believe I am the Bad Guy and they are Saints

  • Helping me to lead a distracted , non goal-oriented life

I removed them from my life , now I don't have any of the above mentioned issues.Last few months I am spending time with family , girlfriend (who is understanding) , competitive programming , cousins and my pet rabbit and some talented CP friends in ACodeDailyServer.Trust me I am very powerful and happy now.

Important thing that you have to understand is you have to mix with people with standards that match your mentality.If you don't then suffering is a must.

I listened to a video about Taylor Swift where she said a very important sentence : "Life is about Catch and Release." That's absolutely correct.If you want to go a long long way in life you can't hold things, all the grudges , updates on people that don't matter.You decide what to hold and let go.

Currently I don't remember any negative things of my past ( But people try really hard to remind me of them I can guarantee you), I am too focused on how to improve further in my journey as a Competitive Programmer and in the longer run as a Computer Scientist.Hopefully whatever I have written helps

But people use it for taking algo or ds template, or some math formula. Often it works.

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

to here and just

To calculate $$$\textrm{coefficient}\cdot a_u$$$ in $$$b_v$$$, think about how many ways $$$a_u$$$ can reach $$$b_v$$$. Say, $$$a_5$$$ can reach into $$$b_{16}$$$ via $$$b_6, b_8, b_{16}$$$. Now, the number $$$3$$$ came from the depth difference of $$$5$$$ and $$$16$$$ being $$$3$$$. And you want to cover this $$$3$$$ distance using $$$k$$$ steps, where in each step you either propagate forward or stay in place.

If you don't know stars and bars method, a short explanation is that $$$n$$$ things can be divided into $$$m$$$ portions (where a portion is allowed to have $$$0$$$ things in it) by inserting $$$m-1$$$ separators, thus the number of ways become $$$\binom{n+m-1}{n}$$$ (treat the separators also as "things", then make any valid arrangement).

Now, if you piece it together, using the example, $$$a_5$$$ can reach $$$a_{16}$$$ by first staying in $$$5^{th}$$$ place or propagating, in fact even staying in place for $$$k-2$$$ steps and propagating twice, or any other way. Every different choice represents a coefficient of $$$a_5$$$in $$$b_{16}$$$. This number of ways should be $$$\binom{3+k-1}{3}$$$, using $$$k-1$$$ separators between $$$3$$$ propagation actions. Replace $$$3$$$ with $$$\Delta d$$$ and you got the formula.

You can solve all problems except Day4 tennis here:

Why I couldn't upload day4 tennis

I used this tool, but reported this error. File "/home/weiqt/DomJudge/pol2dom/p2d/", line 153, in compile_document_template 'HEADERIMAGE': params['header_image'], KeyError: 'header_image

Indeed, May is the mental health awareness month. Here some tips since I had suffered some anxiety episodes (it's not still diagnosed):

  1. Look for help: therapy is quite important, only who knows how to treat this will help you.

  2. Family: it depends on culture, but in my country people spent a lot of time with their families watching movies.

  3. Meditation: it's incredible, but it truly helps a lot. Watch some meditation tutorials like Headspace in Netflix. It is not easy, meditation is like a skill, so you have to train everyday.

  4. Tell others: tell to your friends or family how you are feeling, ask for some help.

I think there will be always a space to care about others, even here in Codeforces. We should care about our community.

seems like something become distorted

I think that's temporary, ratings are rolledback 942 div2 and the preceeding edu and following div3 had undergone plag check and currently ratings are rolled back, so by tomorrow , ratings will be back.

Definitely an IATI problem.

Contest Data

We updated the contest page of JOI Spring Camp. Test Data, Problem Statement & Sample Solutions are added.

We are very sorry for late upload. All of the responsibility are belong to us.

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

Thank yoo sirr for suppot, but Crap_OverFlow is already banned.

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

electricity cut off?

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 43 hours ago

kosom el sisi forever

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

the $niper is reloading his rifle

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 43 hours ago

On speedermenMemes, 21 hour(s) ago

I did CP for several years, but what the fuck is president tree

The intended solution uses $$$\mathcal{O}(N)$$$ memory — though I did try to be reasonably lenient with the time limit to account for stuff like this since many different implementations are possible.
Unfortunately if your constant factor is a bit too bad (using $$$\mathcal{O}(N\sqrt N)$$$ memory or even worse, $$$\mathcal{O}(N\sqrt N)$$$ multiset operations — at which point it's both an extra log and bad constant) you'll end up with issues anyway.


i did that for kotlin keros 9 and got a shirt, but just note that chatgpt isnt 100% accurate so I wasted 10 mins debugging some hallucination

Technically you're right. It doesn't affect the complexity at all. It does affect the constant factor though, which is what's causing the 2.5x speedup here.

finally figure out the details.

supposed that it only has the lower limit at Y=-1, and do not has the upper limit, we can use the following D&C to solve it:
* supposed that we want to calculate $$$dp_R$$$, where $$$dp_L$$$ has been finished (which was used as the input for $$$dp_R$$$);
* let $$$len=R-L$$$, if the size of input is not greater than $$$len$$$, we just recurse it: by calculating the middle column first, and then use the middle row to calculate the right part...
* otherwise $$$[dp_{L,len},dp_{L,sz-1}]$$$ can do a direct convolution (add the result to the last column), and the remain part (with length not gerater than $$$len$$$) just do sth as the above.

when it has lower limit Y=-1 and upper limit Y=M, we can do some similarity:
* when the input size not greater than $$$2len$$$, we just rucurse it;
* otherwise use $$$[dp_{L,len},dp_{L,sz-1-len}]$$$ to do a direct convolution;
* and the two remain parts are exactly on the situation: it has only one lower/upper limit.

here is my implemention.

Not only that, they don't reveal many details which are very important and you have to guess them. If you want your "real" problem solved, you don't hide any details, you provide local tester and a few tests (or test generation method).

On Aldas25BOI 2024 Mirror Contest, 47 hours ago

I think the test cases were very weak, such a solution have passed during contest only fixing the largest segment, it obviously should not pass.

how have you figured out that your solution is right. it is not clear to me, assume we have one large segment with length 10000 and inside that large segment we have 1000 segments with length 2. assume the optimal answer contains the largest segment, but we are picking 100 elements out of 1000 there is very low probability that we select exactly that largest one:

On Powerful_OrkhanTree And Queries, 47 hours ago

You can learn how to solve this kind of problems by learning Euler tour technique, but you must be familiar with segment tree, there are many other techniques that can solve trees queries but this is so powerful and simple enough to start with.

You can learn it from here.

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

they want to talk a couple of talks with you

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

they are paying the bill right now

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

the left the coffee cup half-filled

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

you exceeded the limit

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

you exceeded the red line

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

it arrived with them to here

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

it dicked with them

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 43 hours ago

Thanks ! , I don't know why the hell he hasn't any authority to do anything about the mess that happening right now


stop edging

If you check your submissions you can see that they are the exact same except for a comment line. Such a 'coincidence' is highly unlikely to happen.

Same issues has been discussed for a long time. For example, here

Set 3 start times of the match is not appropriate if you think a little deeper about it. Nowadays cheating is already a big problem on CF, and if programmers can choose their start times, then the contest itself will completely lose its fairness.

I see you comes from China. As a Chinese myself, I think 22:35 is okay in the weekend. After all, a contest time can't satisfy all programmers around the globe. If you want more practice, you can take part in contests in different websites.

ye that's why I think that's distorted

On Aldas25BOI 2024 Mirror Contest, 46 hours ago

Onsite scoreboard will be posted in the BOI 2024 website soon.

I disagree with your viewpoint. Indeed, in China, there are many people who collaborate during competitions, but this is only common among low-level players. Most high-level competitors solve problems independently. PinkRabbit's situation is just a minority.

On Aldas25BOI 2024 Mirror Contest, 45 hours ago

You can find them on the cses website

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

the guys don't like your situation

No words come after yours sir.

For Too Far For Comfort (Easy Version) I noticed that we have to have groups of (k chosen elements) in alternating fashion and those groups can be arranged $$$k!$$$, however since $$$n$$$ % $$$k$$$ might not not be zero, so we would have some left overs and they would be arranged in $$$\frac{k!}{(k - n MOD k)!}$$$ ways. Since there are $$${m \choose k}$$$ ways to choose k elements we get final formula for k as $$${m \choose k}$$$ $$$* k!$$$ $$$* \frac{n}{k}$$$ $$$* \frac{k!}{(k-(n MOD k))!}.$$$ But this didn't worked can someone tell me what I can do or am doing wrong??


I agree that using multiset is lazy in this problem and should not be allowed.

However, memory allocation is not an issue because I was getting TLE, not MLE. A lower memory limit could have better indicated your interest in linear memory usage, and hence a lower constant factor. By the way, I also find it frustrating that time and memory limits are hidden by default so it's not immediately obvious when a limit is unusual.

The issue is high memory utilization with patterns that benefit an unusual memory layout. I think the CodeChef team did not perform due diligence by not checking these details extensively and ensuring consistent behavior for different coding styles.

I want to speak from another perspective. I was probably like one of those friends who were envious of well-performing peers and although I was friends with them, I was envious and often cursed at them being better than me.

I was too scared to say harsh words but I always had it in the back of my mind. Even when I asked for help with problem-solving or I was going for tests, I would think why do these "talented" guys have it better?

Now, a long time has passed and I feel I was the dumb guy. Instead of improving and working on myself I only saw the peak of the iceberg those "talented" people went through.

The above passage doesn't help you but I do think some of your negative friends will realize this in the future.

In the meantime, I think you should focus on yourself and your loyal friends. You can try to convince some of your negative friends who get distraught easily due to cut-throat competition but if it's not working out then it's not worth damaging your mental health over them.

They will realize it someday for sure.

Maybe the next time we will have to write an evaluator for codeforces :)

Or write a program to predict(guess) a proper time to submit to avoid being inq

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 42 hours ago

Just after i said it, electricity cut off

On Powerful_OrkhanTree And Queries, 40 hours ago

Thanks so much bro .. I will start learning Euler tour . Good luck , and thanks again .

I currently solve the problems I hate the most. A needed prerequisite for a good IOI medal is to have good knowledge in every aspect of informatics, which is best assured when solving the tasks you dislike, because most of the time they include a topic or idea you have never heard of.

I have the same situation, but our difference is I'm in 12th grade, people will become so sensitive in such important years of life, all the 12th grade students in my country should participate in Konkur which is our university entrance exam and I've lost many of my friends this year because of that, so the only way I have is to continue my journey and focus on my goals rather than overthinking on such people and behaviors, I think it's the only way to keep yourself nice. Take it easy, it happens in anyone's life in a period of time, you're not alone ;)

Keep moving forward and AK your contests, all those who are envying you because of your scores will respect you next year!

As eminem once said : "Its ok to lose people but never lose yourself".Ignore them you are doing good.

You went TOO FAR with FIREWORKS. It's frustrating that [100'000][1'000] passes but [1'000][100'000] does not. Especially because it's tricky to tell which one is faster without submitting both. At least there are no penalties for wrong submissions...

imagine wasting your time replying, instead of doing something relevant. P.s: I wont argue more with you on this,got better things to do.

Writing the checker for this problem is really easy assuming you've solved it, but in case you don't want to be spoiled I'll hide it below:

small tennis spoiler

What does " Longest Increasing Subsequence of a fixed length $$$k$$$" mean?

What it sounds like to me is that he wants the lexicographically smallest increasing subsequence of length $$$k$$$ in the array (i.e. Take all the increasing subsequences of length $$$k$$$. Of them choose the lexicographically smallest), but I'm not sure, so I asked

On 1.618034كسم السيسي, 44 hours ago

two words that don't have a third

Why are you a master? Even though you became a GM in your last rated contest.


Those friends who envy you are very selfish and not humble. They think they are the best, and you are not better than them. They believe your score is better than theirs only by luck, so they don't know how hard you have tried to practice to get that score.

So, simply ignore them, and continue to practice for the best performance in the upcoming examination. And, I believe that your best friends can share your feelings, and give you good advice!

that reminds me of another country which sufficiently proves that cheating doesn't give lots of LGM

On Aldas25BOI 2024 Mirror Contest, 46 hours ago

Does anybody know the official medal cutoffs?



Holy hell. Taylor's new theorem on the optimal catching and releasing strategy just dropped.