zephyr_23's blog

By zephyr_23, history, 6 years ago, In English

I am trying to solve this problem ( https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/hourrank-12/challenges/fair-cut ). The editorial describes D.P approach which I am not able to understand. In the discussion, I saw a greedy approach but I am not able to prove why it works.

Can someone please help me in understanding the D.P approach to this question?


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By zephyr_23, history, 6 years ago, In English

I am reading the article on this website https://www.cs.colorado.edu/~srirams/courses/csci2824-spr14/pollardsRho.html to understand Pollard rho factorization.

I will explain my doubt with an example.

Suppose for

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, we have

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Probability of finding factor 5 from

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To increase the probability of getting the factor 5, we search for number x such that

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. Numbers

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satisfy the equation

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. So probability of finding factor 5 increases to

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Now they have mentioned that to increase the probability further, we find pairs of numbers such that

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where Yi is

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Number of pairs satisfying the criteria

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, similarly number of pairs satisfying

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and so on..

So to get factor 5, we need to search

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pairs out of

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pairs. So the probability of getting required pair is

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which is same as the one where we found factor 5 using

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without searching for pairs.

So my doubt is, to find required factor, why do we search for

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such that

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instead of

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as their probabilities are same ?

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By zephyr_23, history, 6 years ago, In English

Given a connected, undirected graph, find maximum number of non overlapping cycles ?


Here in the above example we can have 2 (maximum number) non overlapping cycles, 0-1-2 and 4-5-6.

Any idea of how to solve this problem efficiently ?

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By zephyr_23, history, 6 years ago, In English

I am trying to solve this binary search problem (https://www.codechef.com/problems/FAKEBS) on codechef.

I am getting W.A on 3 tasks out of 12 and those are small tasks. I think I am missing some edge cases. Can someone please help ?

Code :- https://ideone.com/VnwXtb


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