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saba_tavdgiridze's blog

By saba_tavdgiridze, history, 7 years ago, In English

I know it's not best place to write this .Briefly, my problem is finding national chemistry Olympiads and team selection problems in English. Yep ,I tried Google But in vain, there is no information for Asian countries ,which are leaders in this subject( Korea , Japan , China , Vietnam , Thailand , Indonesia etc.) and strong European countries( post-soviet and north-east ) , and not only that .Finding all that maybe easy for you if you're native and you're involved with this Olympiads .Better ignore it than post senseless comments ! THANKS IN ADVANCE !!

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7 years ago, # |
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You generally won't find team selection problems of non-informatics because making those public has a rather negative effect: you can't reuse them. Contestants face a different problem: the statements/solutions are usually in paper form so there's no putting them online unless you have a lot of dedication+free time or ask for the digital sources. (I have a YUGE collection spanning about 7-8 years, but won't be posting it due to the above two problems. Come here to Slovakia and I'll lend them to you.) Similarly, translating to English is often useless because almost nobody needs that, so it's wasted effort. You can use Google Translate.

Post-communist countries have a lot of correspondence seminars (see Ksicht, Vibuch, an older Slovak seminar), Russia has a lot of random science olympiads that are online, each IChO has preparatory problems (a lot), and here's the Slovak site for our Chemistry Olympiad. Once again, use Google Translate or something.

7 years ago, # |
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Polish Chemistry Olympiad page has English version (top right, on the banner) and offers English version of problems & solutions from a few years (2007-2012). There are more of them available in Polish.

7 years ago, # |
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German Chemistry Olympiad is available in English.