Phuocbua's blog

By Phuocbua, history, 40 hours ago, In English

Hi Codeforces Community!

I and Sweet are excited to invite you to our contest, Happy Childrenday 2024!, which will start in Jun/01/2024 17:00 (Moscow time). Please note about the unusual time of our contest!.

Note that our contest is unofficial contest, so that it's unrated. Furthermore, because all of us won't be able to do the contest in Codeforces gym, we made our own contest in Codeforces Mashup. Here the link to join our contest: Link

You will have 2 hours to solve 6 — 7 problem in our contest. The contest will be held in ICPC format, with penalty of 10 minute for incorrect submision. The range of difficult in our problemset from ~1000 to ~2000, based on some tester feedback.

We guarantee that all of our problem will me unique and interesting. We also guarantee that all of problem are able to solve in either C++ or Python. Note that in our problemset, we have at least 1 interactive problem. You should read that guide about interactive problem if you don't know what it is.

All problem has been made by Sweet and me.

We would like to thanks:

  • MikeMirzayanov for incredible amazing Codeforces and Polygon platform.
  • And we would like to thanks a lot to our teachear, friend, who help us to become better and help us a lot when we make this contest <3.
  • Last, but not the least, thank You to participate in our contest <3.

At the end of this blog, we hope you(if you are still a children like me) good luck and have fun in this special day :3.

UPD: We decide to shift it one hour later, because some participants said that this contest will coincide with the Atcoder Beginner Contest.

UPD2: I and Sweet decide to give you one more hour to solve all of us problem, because of the problem difficuty.

UPD3: Congratulation to the winner:

Top 5:

  1. rui_er (Only full solve participants)

  2. amirhoseinfar1385

  3. monadtransformer

  4. The-Winner

  5. Aphrodite3107

And first solve as well:

A. LLIEPJIOK at 00:13

B. rui_er at 00:16

C. monadtransformer at 00:34(only 3 second sooner than the next one)

D. rui_er at 01:13

E. rui_er at 01:33

F. rui_er at 00:37

G. rui_er at 01:01

Thanks you for participate in our contest <3 Good luck in Children Day!

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By Phuocbua, history, 7 weeks ago, In English


Yesterday I create some IOI problem in Polygon (just for fun). But when I verification that problem, it's failed and I see Failed on verification of the first test: Checker produced incorrect comment with points: 'points_info=...' expected.. Do anyone see this before? Any idea how this happened how to fix it? Thanks everyone read my blog and answer my question.

(Sorry for bad english)

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